Supporting NY HEAT act & climate justice legislation

The New York State climate and environmental justice movement is angry!

Governor Hochul and the State Assembly has not to take enough action on the climate crisis in the 2024 year’s state budget. Both Governor Hochul and Assembly Speaker Heastie blocked two bills on the table in this year’s budget: the NY HEAT Act, and Climate Superfund Act. MJN stands with NY Renews and our fellow CJ and EJ peers holding a Climate Justice Action Week starting May 20th to mobilize for climate action. 

If you can, please join NY Renews and Renewable Heat Now Wednesday May 22nd at the State Capitol to participate in our Climate Action Week capstone mobilization for #NYHEAT. Together we can demonstrate the wide-ranging support for climate justice and make sure lawmakers know that the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package is a “must pass” before the end of session bills. 


Thanks to Queens Arts Fund for supporting Street Works!


Thanks for joining us at the Queens Botanical Garden’s climate art fest