Voting Actions

We’re (slowly) building a library of voting actions that any of us can take. As a grassroots, mostly volunteer led group centering creative expression, we hold these goals:

  • Focus on resources that have lasting value, not news, and stay steady on a path to serving democracy and justice long-term.

  • Help all choose our own adventures based on interests/capacities.

  • Start local and place-based, think national and beyond.

  • Embody our values, the essence of who we are.

How and where to vote

It is not easy to remember all the voting deadlines, and must-dos. We're compiling some basic resources to help you find your way through the chaos.

How to get involved

We’re careening towards authoritarianism everywhere. How do show our love for systems of shared power? Read these resources if you’re looking for ways to preserve and strengthen democracy, one characteristic of just systems. (More coming and suggestions appreciated!)