Friday, 7/26,1 - 2:30pm EDT: Hang out with MJN to learn about disinformation & getting out the vote!
Join MJN for a virtual letter writing gathering and disinformation chat on Friday, July 26, 1 - 2:30pm EDT!
Meet Joe Cardillo, who works in Disinformation Defense covering New Mexico for a national org. Joe will lead a short presentation followed by an open discussion on how to spot, correct, and resist disinformation, misinformation, and mal-information.
Stick with us for an orientation to letter writing as a strategy to get out the vote, including how to write effective letters, how to get them to underrepresented voter groups — through Vote Forward — and more.
Registration automatically closed Wednesday, July 24 at 12pm EDT. We’ll follow up by email on Thursday with more detail and a zoom link! Please email if you don't see the link!
Why write letters?
Simply put, letter writing campaigns have proven to increase voter turnout. Vote Forward has conducted multiple randomized control trials since 2017 and has consistently found that writing personal letters boosts voter turnout. And writing a letter is something you can do on your own — as long as it gets where it needs to go before it's too late. If you're looking for an effective way to make a difference in our democracy within your busy schedule, this is a powerful way.
What else?
We're thinking about scheduling more get out the vote (GOTV) activities. If you're interested, please fill out the form below!
Voting resources
“A healthy democracy requires constant care, attention and support.”