Apply across corporate forms

Goal: apply values equally across all affiliated corporate forms.

As an LLC and fiscally sponsored nonprofit 501(c)(3), MJN hopes to apply philosophies across both tax structures. As individual members with separate small businesses, we hope to at minimum donate a value pool to MJN where we take on projects outside of collective tax structures.

Embodying Characteristics 

How We’re Evolving

Nonprofit, s-corp, b-corp, LLC, co-ops, worker self-directed nonprofits… Corporate forms defined by government systems are generally designed to use taxation strategies to incentivize or disincentive certain behaviors, while impact minded organizations have developed their own structures to name gaps, encourage other behaviors or build solidarity among groups that want to go further. We, too, want to go further, borrowing from alternative systems and layering to get as close as we can to make justice normal in our systems.

Embodied Characteristics


Set aside a value pool


Partner with organizations