Flood Sensor Aunty is comedic public theater project about disaster preparedness, starring an anthropomorphic flood sensor who really wants to be a movie star, designed for brown aunties and communities.
Halfway between public theater project and culturally competent emergency management around flooding and storms, audience members will leave the performance nourished: bellies full of chai and pakoras, good vibes, and tangible materials: emergency disaster kits, with supplies like non-perishable culturally competent food, headlamps, battery packs, and zines about community flood protection in accessible and engaging language.
Directed and written by: Sabina Sethi Unni
Performers / devisers: Val Ramirez, Isa Nicdao, Ray Jordan Achan, Spoorti Hegde, Alex Scelsco
Community organizers / devisers: Jess Balgobin, Janggo Mahmud, Mehrnaz Tiv, and Fabliha Anbar
Documentor: Sarah Drepaul
Graphic design: Kruttika Susarla
With free tea from Miles at Tea Stand