Tulani Thomas

Tulani Thomas, after years of providing business advisory services and practicing corporate law, decided to blend her corporate experience with her passion for environmental sustainability and founded TuTu’s Green World LLC (“TGW”), a forward-thinking organization dedicated to instilling eco-friendly living habits in younger generations. Through its mantra Small Acts Big Impacts, TGW’s goal is to spark a young generation by teaching them that even the smallest actions can have far-reaching ripples of positive change on our environment.

Having a children’s book series that teaches eco-friendly habits will help produce a generation that is engaged and aware of their actions and surroundings. These children will develop good green habits and will leave the world a better place for their children.
— Tulani

TGW has effectively leveraged various platforms, including a children's book series, an informative website, and a comprehensive green lifestyle school curriculum, to promote environmental awareness and action in digestible language for children.

Tulani’s significant contributions to environmental advocacy gained recognition from the National Science Foundation, which selected her to be an advisor for a pivotal project, BlackRep4Kids, which unites Black professionals from diverse fields including climate science and children's media. The project focuses on developing children's climate media to address the underrepresentation of Black voices and experiences in children's literature on climate change.

Tulani Thomas’s diverse, substantive, and integrated experiences in accounting, law, business administration, and environmental advocacy, provide her a unique and invaluable vantage point to envisage, implement and deliver in the sustainability space and beyond.

Tulani’s goal is to spark a young generation by teaching them that it is not only “cool” to be green, but expected.


Jackson Heights Beautification Group/JH Scraps


Neighborhood Housing Services of Queens CDC / Queens Energy Hub