We can do this: participating in policy action
In New York? Check out the NY Renews coalition map to find an organization that's near you to get involved. If you're not sure where to start, we can help.
Everyone has the right to shape polices. But it isn't easy to understand our systems. That’s why it’s a good idea to not do it alone. In fact, we think newcomers only need to focus on one thing to start getting involved: Connect with activist groups in your immediate area and start thinking about how much time you have to participate regularly.
Groups are ready to welcome you, and they need your help — in whatever way feels right. But it will take a time to find the right fit and figure out what you have the capacity to do.
How to get involved and stay involved
Search the Internet using keywords for climate justice groups, organizers, or civic action. You might have to follow some trails.
Sign up for their mailing lists and/or social media. If you're not interested in the content you receive, it's okay to unsubscribe.
Go to a few of their events to understand what they do, how they work, and what they believe in. Most grassroots groups hold open meetings, often virtual. Take a friend! You may not fit with every group's way of working, and that's OK. Hold space for your view to form & evolve.
If you’re curious to go deeper, email or talk to them at an event. They want to see you! Think about how you want to support, how much time you can consistently spend, what skills you’d like to share and what you would like to learn. Consistency — not overcommitment — is key.
Give grace if you can’t participate in the way you want. The oil and gas industry has put a lot on our shoulders under the guise of individual and personal responsibility. We all do what we can, and we trust that our communities can hold the ebb and flow of participation.
Don't be discouraged if you don't find community right away. Community groups are often stretched thin and face challenges of their own. Keep on looking until you find the right fit, or think about fostering your own community if you have a dream.