

Climate Action

New York Policy Anjali Deshmukh New York Policy Anjali Deshmukh

NY’s Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act: NY is legally bound to get off fossil fuels by 2050

In 2019, New York passed one of the most ambitious climate laws in the US: the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Under CLCPA, New York must be off fossil fuels, the drivers of climate change, by 2050. Read this post to learn more about the law, and the milestones we're supposed to meet to get to our goals. Spoiler: As of 2024, we are not on track.

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Facts, Action Anjali Deshmukh Facts, Action Anjali Deshmukh

Preparing for disaster

Disasters don’t befall all communities equally, and public infrastructure for disaster relief doesn't either: BIPOC communities are more likely to be hit harder on both fronts. We hope some of these tips help us take steps and build community along the way.

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