

Climate Action

Facts Anjali Deshmukh Facts Anjali Deshmukh

How participation in culture enhances democracy

A report from the European Union finds that participating in cultural activities increases likelihood to vote. It also increases positive feeling associated with civic and democratic values. These correlations are independent of socio-economic background or education level, but neither access to culture activities nor democratic process are equal for all residents.

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Facts Anjali Deshmukh Facts Anjali Deshmukh

How to electrify a home

Rewiring America estimates that to achieve zero emissions, we need to install 1 billion new machines, or 50 million machines a year for the next 20-25 years. We can do it!

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Facts Anjali Deshmukh Facts Anjali Deshmukh

Are museums accomplice smugglers?

An investigation identified hundreds of artifacts at the Met Museum linked to indicted or convicted traffickers. Noted former director Thomas Hoving: being an “accomplice smuggler” was a necessary role for a Met director.

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Facts Anjali Deshmukh Facts Anjali Deshmukh

Wealth inequality = cultural inequality

Wealth inequality + financialization of the art world prioritizes the acquisition interests of the super-rich. By extension, they shape culture, including who has gallery representation, valuation of cultural assets, and which institutions are sustained.

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