

Climate Action

Principles Anjali Deshmukh Principles Anjali Deshmukh

Street Work design principles for justice

MJN’s mission is a mirror for our values of justice, loving care, and solidarity. Instead of approaching new projects with a sector lens, we typically start by asking: Why are justice, loving care, and solidarity not the norm in any given area of work; and how would we design differently? Learn about Street Work's practice design principles, intended to bring justice into the heart of our creative practice.

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Principles Anjali Deshmukh Principles Anjali Deshmukh

Jemez principles of environmental justice

Principles to build a BIPOC movement to fight the destruction and taking of our lands and communities, re-establish spiritual interdependence to the sacredness of Mother Earth; respect and celebrate our cultures and beliefs about the natural world and our roles in healing ourselves; promote economic alternatives; and more.

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Principles Anjali Deshmukh Principles Anjali Deshmukh

Bali principles of climate justice

Principles to build a collective movement to fight climate change and redefine climate change as a social and human rights issue, not merely a logistical or technical problem with logistical and technical solutions.

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