Launching Street Works, public-space galleries for co-creative art

MJN is grateful to announce the launch of Street Works, public-space galleries for participatory art, by and for artists dedicated to making justice normal.

What is it?

An incredible amount of creation happens in our public spaces — our streets, parks, plazas, and more. From graffiti art and performances, to chalk drawings and memorials. Among street creators are artists who center passers-by in co-creation, often in dialog with social and civic action.

In a time in which democracy is at risk and collective participation is needed more than ever, we hope Street Works offers one home by and for these artists, who carry a commitment to sharing power with audience in 2-way and 20-way conversation that enables the brilliance of passersby to collectively emerge.

Sister to the street action and block party, Street Works center co-creation and deep participation in public space. We believe co-creation in public space is one way civic action can become part of our lived wisdom and joy, rather than a concept at arm’s length from our souls. Over time and scale, we hope this is one way for democracy to become a personal and joyful experience.

Collective member artists & advisors

Principles and purpose

Street Works are a BIPOC artist-led art project. We hope to foster mutual aid space for street artists like us who think the mainstream museum and gallery systems do not serve justice. We need to re-work how we consume, show, and perceive art — including working beyond the bounds admissions turnstiles, bonding in place, and being who we make for. Over time, we hope to open-source the model, so that artists seeking justice can apply it in places and on topics that matter to them and their communities.

Guiding curatorial principles


Thanks for joining us at the Queens Botanical Garden’s climate art fest


Listen to our podcast: Into the Record